October 10th is here again and for this years’ World Mental Health Day event we have amassed many of the key wellbeing services from across from the local area to showcase what they do at The Being Well Works Well Emporium.
Organised by ourselves at Common Unity and hosted in partnership with Birmingham City University, this year’s event will also include 4 back-to-back Masterclasses in the amazing Hive Lecture Theatre as well as light refreshments and a superb awareness raising and networking opportunity for professionals and the general public.
The adopted International Theme for World Mental health Day this year is suicide prevention so with a focus on improved quality of life we are looking to ensure this event makes a real positive difference for everyone. Members of the National Suicide Prevention Alliance will also be available on the day.
The Emporium Stalls
As well as loads of information and fantastic advice being available on the day there will also be interactive Health Check opportunities, a community barber, nail art, henna and opportunities for a bit of a pamper.
Stalls include…
Common Unity, Forward for Life, Roshni, Forward Carers, Citizens Advice Witness Service, Birmingham Mind Community Development Worker Service, A Father’s Child Service, The Pamper Zone, Health & Healing Network, Bipolar UK, Papyrus UK, Creative Wellbeing 4U, New Hope Birmingham, Nehemiah UCHA, RSVP, Cruse Bereavement Care Birmingham, Forward Thinking Birmingham, Health Expo, West Midlands Combined Authority, Spring to Life, Birmingham Mind PURE Project, Life Balance Arts, the BCU Wellbeing Service and more.