Black Lives Matter

Imagine having direct access to health and well being services in Birmingham!

We know that accessing up-to-date information to services you need can be frustrating and a lengthy process even on the internet. By utilising modern technology alongside a common-sense approach, we have a resource that can connect you with your local services even whilst you are on the go.

As part of Birmingham’s Urbrum website, The Waiting Room, is an on-line resource that connects you directly and seamlessly with local contacts for health and well-being services across the city. Whether you are connecting through your PC, your tablet or via the innovative Waiting Room Key, your health and well-being is at your finger-tips.

If you want to use The Waiting Room Key, or just scan directly from the website or posters in Birmingham, this film shows you exactly what needs to be done. The Waiting Room Key provides you with a modern-day well-being support solution to modern-day wellbeing needs.

Visit or scan the QR code to access the video. follow us on instagram @commonunity follow us on twitter @common_unity_

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