Black Lives Matter

5 Ways To Wellbeing app

The 5 way app has been designed to get people thinking about ways of using each of the Five Ways to Wellbeing by offering practical examples as well as links to services or activities available in cities such as Birmingham. 

The Five Ways to Wellbeing Programme, commissioned by the Joint Mental Health Commissioning Team, the application which has been developed by Caron Thompson of Common Unity to challenge stigma and discrimination experienced by people with mental health issues to address stigma and discrimination associated with poor mental health, and explore how individuals can use the five ways to improve their own mental wellbeing. 

Using the Five Ways to Wellbeing doesn't have to be difficult or costly, there are many simple things you can do to include the Five Ways to Wellbeing into your daily life. Being active doesn't have to mean joining a gym or joining a football club to join, although it could. There are plenty of other things we can do to be more active, for example, walking instead of using the car or public transport, gardening or exercising at home. 

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