Black Lives Matter

360 People Brings Solutions


360 brings solutions


Times are hard. Organisations are having to tighten their financial belts but are still expected to deliver best quality services to the greatest number of people. To make this happen, delivery agencies have to ensure that their staff and other contributors (such as service users and volunteers) have the skills, knowledge and confidence to look after themselves and the people they work with for the benefit of all.


Balancing the books as well as ensuring a highly trained, highly skilled motivated work-force is a huge challenge. 360people recognises this and has solutions.


“Training is everything,” Mark Twain once said. But with public leaders under intense pressure to steer a course through the deepest austerity cuts in postwar Britain, training and development is being hugely affected.

The 360people recognize that individuals need a well-balanced life to be able to have a good mental health. One in Four pulls together four well recognised, well respected and well evaluated training programmes into one arena over two days offering those who engage with mental health in a professional and volunteer capacity the opportunity to gain a good level of knowledge and skill in the briefest time period at an affordable cost.

We realise that although statutory training has to be the lynch pin of training across organisations to ensure that all the mandatory measures to assure quality of service are realised, at the same time there is a clear need to ensure that those working at the coal face of mental health and well-being need to access highly reputed, well tested, quality training opportunities in this field. But we also recognise this needs to be affordable, hence the One in Four Approach.


360 People Training Solutions In Mental Health and Well-being

360 people pulls together four well recognised, well respected and well evaluated training programmes into one arena. This two day course offers those who engage with mental health in a professional and volunteer capacity the opportunity to gain a good level of knowledge and skill in the briefest time period at an affordable cost.


Who are 360people

Innovative, forward thinking and tailored

As the driving force behind 360people, Common Unity have teamed up with a number of specialist West Midlands based innovative training providers who bring to the table a thorough and well-recognised active knowledge of the Health and Social Care Sector and the dynamics that exist within specifically in respect of mental health and well-being.



Through this partnership arrangement, Common Unity can ensure that as a central point of reference we can provide accessible, high quality training and development opportunities that are innovative, forward thinking and tailored to organisational need across the Health and Social Care Sector and wider still. In addition, this provision can be realised at a highly competitive price with the greatest degree of positive impact on those receiving the training.


Training is everything



With major health and social care changes taking place on a backdrop of sweeping financial austerity measures across the sector, many public sector departments and third sector organisations are struggling, and in the case of the latter, many are not managing to survive the economic consequences.


There appears to be no abatement in respect of pressures on the public sector to take wholesale austerity measures as well as requiring more from providers across the board. In this ever increasingly competitive market with purse strings having to be tightened something has to give – and one of the early sacrifices in such difficult times is always training and staff development.


“Training is everything,” Mark Twain once said. But with public leaders under intense pressure to steer a course through the deepest austerity cuts in postwar Britain, training and development is being hugely affected.

Local government are reporting a wholesale reduction in workforce development – core mandatory training as a minimum must continue, but wider professional development is taking a hit which will compromise the future provision of effective services across the health and social care sector especially in the fields of mental health and well-being which cannot rely solely on the clinical approach as mental health problems are inextricably associated with wider socio-economic determinants therefore requiring a more holistic person centred response to the challenge.


360people realises that core training has to be the lynchpin of development across organisations to ensure that all the mandatory measures to assure quality of service are realised. However, at the same time there is a clear need to ensure that those working at the front line of mental health and well-being need to access highly reputed, well tested, quality training opportunities in this field.


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